As worldwide Coronavirus pandemic measures usher in fear, vitriol, finger-pointing, confusion, arguments, senseless bashing, and shaming…
As riots erupt, protests escalate, and cancer invades…
As children are abused, and women are used…
As addiction winds its chain around more and more lives…
Our souls feel the crushing weight of so much brokenness. Feelings of helplessness and indignation make it easy to point fingers and take up our sides, but we each contribute to the problems at large.
Our selfish nature is to look out for ourselves, unconsciously–or not so unconsciously– viewing our own thoughts, needs, and desires as more important, deeming ourselves the exception.
Yet not one of us is the exception, and all of us are infected with the deadliest pandemic known to man.
All that is wrong in this weeping world are but side effects of the destructive disease.
Just what is this malady we all carry?
Sin is the worst pandemic our world has ever known.
Unrepented sin will claim more lives than all diseases known to man combined. There is no vaccine, ventilator, or natural remedy that can save the souls lost in sin for eternity. Not one human is immune to this deadly disease. Left untreated it will corrupt our souls, tainting our existence both in this life and the next.
We have a tendency to rank sins, assigning them levels from not so bad all the way to worst. Even if we say that sin is sin, each of us has certain sins we see as worse than others and we tend to judge each other through that lens.
But the truth is every single one of us was born into sinful captivity and need to be set free. Each of us has been hurt by sin and in turn, hurt others in our sin. And though we may tell different stories, our heartache is the same. Our human depravity is the same.
The cause of our captivity is the same: Sin. Our own and another’s—and there are no levels.
Sin really is sin—a white lie mars our souls the same as alcohol or drug abuse. Overeating, materialism, and greed are as self-serving and damaging as sexual immorality. Codependency is as damaging as manipulation and control. Gossiping separates us from God just as much as adultery or murder. Shaming and verbal bullying are as wrong as physical abuse.
We have all sinned. You are no better than me; I am no better than you.
Our stories are different yet they are the same. And our stories are the same as all who have gone before and all those who are yet to come.
King Soloman, the wisest man who ever lived said, “there is nothing new under the sun,” and he was right. The same pitfalls we have encountered are the same as they have been in all generations before us. Lying, cheating, stealing, unfaithfulness, drunkenness, murder, anger, rage, complaining, gossip, addiction– all symptoms of the deadly virus every one of us carries within our flesh. If we are guilty of but one of these sins, we are guilty of all.
The Cure
The good news is there is a cure. But there is only ONE cure. There is only one viable and sustainable solution.
There is only one hope for this weary, weeping world.
His name is Jesus.
God in flesh- innocent, yet he willingly suffered abuse, hatred, mocking and, persecution– more than any of us could begin to understand–so that through Him and His sacrificial death and holy resurrection, we might become healed, whole, and set free. He was perfect, yet he became sin for us so that through him we might be cured of our deadly disease.
The world is broken.
Sin is running rampant.
The fear of The Lord needs to be restored.
True repentance is needed for the collective whole, but it starts with you and it starts with me.
Every individual needs to humbly bow their knee.
We need to truthfully examine our own hearts and motivations, and where (not if) we are wrong, repent and turn from our sinful ways, only then will we see change happen and brokenness restored.
If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves , and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive thier sin and heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
However, it does not end with repentance and forgiveness. That is only the beginning.
In order to walk in love, pursue peace, and stand for justice, we need to have a proper understanding of what that looks like and how to walk it out. And that means we need to study how Jesus did it. We need to dig into the Bible–the Word of God— take it seriously, and allow it to transform us into the image of our Only Hope (Jesus).
We need to study, pray and put into practice the truth that we learn from Jesus–not our own version of the truth. There are many people saying and doing things out of their perception of truth, yet they are polar opposites– and not all sides can be true. If we want real change and THE truth to prevail we may need to turn aside from chasing our “best lives” and diligently pursue the transforming power only found in the Word of God.
There is a battle going on and we need to get serious about fighting it– on our knees.
Emotions are running high right now as the brokenness and sinfulness of the world are so blatantly obvious– yes, we need change–but it starts with us.
Join me as I bend my knee?
Read more:
You Must Become Captivated to be Set Free
Called to be Weird | The Call of Holiness
What an amazing and all-inclusive post, Lindsey!! I can’t tell you how many times I have thought the same things, though not all at the same time. And I wonder… will those who “see” actually take the time to “consider”… the ramifications of continuing to turn away from the One True and Living God?? As the world falls apart around us, I continue to do as you have suggested… study and pray. God have mercy on us <3 Thank you so much for sharing these thoughts!
Yes, may God have mercy!! Thank you for your encouragement and solidarity!
Amen. A great reminder to set our eyes on eternity.
Thanks for your comment, Lauren!