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A Simple Way to Build Healthy Connection with Your Kids

Connection is key for building healthy relationships for all of us but is especially critical for helping our trauma-impacted children heal. Research has shown that what has been broken in a relationship can be healed through healthy relationships, and this requires a deep connection. However, sometimes it is just plain hard to connect with children who have strong emotions and big behaviors.  It is not… Read More »A Simple Way to Build Healthy Connection with Your Kids

father and child s hands together

Preventing Child Abuse: How You Can Help

April is Child-Abuse Prevention month. Unfortunately, cases of abuse are far too common, and this is a conversation we need to be having consistently…not only during one month of the year. Child abuse is a term which in general, includes four main categories: neglect, physical abuse, emotional (psychological) maltreatment, and sexual abuse.  Our communities are crumbling now more than ever, under the increased pressures stemming… Read More »Preventing Child Abuse: How You Can Help

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Prevention is Best: One Way to Help Lower Childhood Trauma Statistics

A fire has been slowly kindling in the adoption, foster care, mental health, and medical communities for some time. ACEs, which stands for Adverse Childhood Experiences, has been quite a hot topic in these areas. As these groups of people have become more aware of ACEs, Childhood Trauma, and their devastating impact on our children, more research and training have been spreading with the goal… Read More »Prevention is Best: One Way to Help Lower Childhood Trauma Statistics

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The Nitty-Gritty Truth About Trauma Parenting

(The following is based on my own experiences as well as many conversations I’ve had with adoptive parents. This is not meant to guilt anyone, merely to offer a perspective with the hope of spreading a little understanding) Parenting a child with a trauma history is hard. Incredibly hard. But unless you are in the inner circle of the parents, you likely have NO IDEA… Read More »The Nitty-Gritty Truth About Trauma Parenting

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The Importance of Forgiveness in Healing Trauma

When a deep injury is done to us, we never heal until we forgive. –Nelson Mandela Parenting children from hard places is difficult for many reasons, but one of the most challenging parts is living with the behaviors, wounds, and pain in our children that are a result of the abuse of someone else. We live in the aftermath and it isn’t pretty. The wounds… Read More »The Importance of Forgiveness in Healing Trauma

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Children of Addiction: We are Warriors

Children of Addiction: We are Warriors One of my passions is to spread awareness of childhood trauma through the stories and experiences of others. In this post, I’m honored to feature Hannah, an adult child of an addict, as she courageously shares her traumatic childhood experiences as well as the hope and healing she has since found. I pray you find understanding, encouragement, and hope… Read More »Children of Addiction: We are Warriors

trauma-informed parenting

How to Discipline a Child With a Trauma History

 I’m honored to introduce Christian mental health therapist, Melissa Gendreau, as she contributes her wisdom and advice on the tricky topic of disciplining children who have experienced trauma. Welcome, Melissa! This post contains affiliate links. You may read full disclosure here. Tips for Trauma-Informed Discipline Discipline is a difficult topic in the best of parenting situations. Everyone has an opinion on what to do and how… Read More »How to Discipline a Child With a Trauma History

The Traumatic Impact of Divorce on Children

Divorce. Simply mention the word and it triggers all sorts of responses. Awkward silence. Judgemental looks. Mixed advice and opinions. Depending on the social circle, the topic of divorce can be met with either grace-filled compassion or blatant condemnation. Most frequently, however, there is merely an air of indifference surrounding the word because divorce has become so ubiquitous in our society. This indifference seems to… Read More »The Traumatic Impact of Divorce on Children

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Understanding Childhood Trauma

Trauma Childhood Trauma Developmental Trauma. Complex Trauma. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Have you heard these terms and wondered what they are or if they’re the same thing? Maybe you’ve never heard of some of them, or perhaps you’re well-versed in trauma. In general, most people fall somewhere in between and have only a vague idea of what trauma is. Often, people hear “trauma” and envision… Read More »Understanding Childhood Trauma